Since the proposition of the correct structure of pyridine by K?ner (1869)
and Dewar (1871),this ring really became one of the most studied
aromatics[1].To date,
pyridines are among the most prevalent heterocyclic structural units in
pharmaceutical and agrochemical targets, as well as in materials
science.Pyridines also provide convenient synthetic precursors to chiral
dihydro- and tetrahydropyridines,as well as piperidines, which continue to
be of interest as intermediates in alkaloid synthesis,in NADH models, and as
important biologically active structures[2-7]. |
A series of medicinal products containing pyridine has been firmly
in medical
practice. |
[1] Chemical Reviews(2014), 114(21),
10829-10868. [2] Chemical Reviews (2012), 112(5), 2642-2713. [3]
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2020), 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00337. [4]
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2020), 63(2), 827-846. [5] Journal of
Medicinal Chemistry (2020), 63(4), 1724-1749. [6] Journal of Medicinal
Chemistry (2020), 63(6), 3274-3289. [7] Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
(2020), 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01736.