Building Blocks; Pharmaceutical/API Drug Impurities/Metabolites;
Oxybenzone is an organic compound used in sunscreens. Oxybenzone is used as an ingredient in sunscreen and other cosmetics because it absorbs UVB and short-wave UVA (ultraviolet) rays. Oxybenzone was one of the first compounds incorporated into sunscreen formulations to offer enhanced UVA protection because its absorption spectrum extends to less than 350 nm.
Auriol, M., et al.: Chemosphere, 70, 445 (2008); Balmer, M., et al.: Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 953 (2005); Jeon, H., et al.: Toxicology, 248, 89 (2008); Campoy, S., et al.: Environ. Microbiol., 11, 99 (2009); Chem. and Eng. News page 22, Aug. 6 (2018)